Digital Art

Variations on a photo from Croatia

Photo from Croatia: Digital art variations

I’ve been playing with my iPad photo apps and thought that I would post a few variations of a photo from Croatia, August 2007. The bottles are homemade brandies / fruit wines, sold along with fruit, cheeses, etc., along the side of the road. What do you think? Which version (including the original) do you like best? Why?

This is the original photo, with some digital editing.

Variation 1: digital zoom focus, blurs the area around the bottles.

Variation 2: adds “artistic” filters, mostly in the zoom-focus blurred areas.

Variation 3: entering more into “artistic” rendering of the background, focusing on bottles. This will be the continuing trend for the following variations.

Variation 4

Variation 5

Variation 6: This and the next few versions play also with the bottles and their light, using various blending effects.

Variation 7

Variation 8

Variation 9: In this final version for this series, I bring back some of the original photo in the bottles and areas of the surface of the board the bottles sit on.

Which variation do you like best? Why?

2 replies »

  1. Each has it’s own personality, Michael. I like #1 for it’s crisp simplicity (pleasing to the eye palette – I’m thirsty now), and #4 for it’s witty splash of color, and #5 because the bottles look as though they are on a stone shelf that is part of the structures behind it.


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