FlowStone 1 Digital art by Michael Dickel ©2016 stalactite Flowstone images from Upstate New York cavern photos by Michael Dickel iOS iPhone photography Adobe PhotoShop processing to accompany poem "Flowstone Time" by Michael DickelDigital Art

Flowstone Time (a poem)

Flowstone 3 digital photograph ©2016 Michael Dickel silvered print digital process using Adobe PhotoShop Nik Tools from Google to accompany Flowstone Time, a poem by Michael Dickel in Fragment of Michael Dickel | poetry

Flowstone Time

Flowstone digital photograph ©2016 Michael Dickel silvered print digital processed using Adobe PhotoShop Nik Tools by Google to accompany Flowstone Time, a poem by Michael Dickel in Fragment of Michael Dickel | poetry

Waxen rock stalactites, stagnant
statuary saluting state solicitude,
sinking down toward infinite regressions—
redressing so much history while laughing
at the self-importance sliding by like drips
without any minerals to paint onto
geologic time, her story more complex,
waxing poetic along the fault lines.

FlowStone 4 Digital art by Michael Dickel ©2016 stalactite Flowstone images from Upstate New York cavern photos by Michael Dickel iOS iPhone photography Adobe PhotoShop processing to accompany poem "Flowstone Time" by Michael Dickel


Poetry Month 2016 | Fragments of Michael Dickel

Water Poems (a poem)
Flowstone Time (a poem)
SNR—Hybrid Word Dance
Veiled Lady (a poem)
My Brand Here (Hybrid Flash)
Rosy Morn | Poem | Essay | Photographs
Blue Notes (collage | poem)
The BeZine April 2016 — Celebrating Poetry Month

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