
imperfect daughter | Melissa Houghton

Publisher’s note: Melissa Houghton’s employer asked that she have her poems removed from my blogZine. As a publisher, editor, and writer, I believe the employer is wrong to do so. As a friend who respects Melissa and her work, I have removed it because she asked me to.

I have left the titles of the three poems so that Melissa can still list the publications.

—Michael Dickel, 19 April 2019

i just want to be my imperfect self

Melissa Houghton


do not try.

Melissa Houghton


Melissa Houghton


Melissa Houghton received her MFA in poetry in 2008 from Oregon State University and spent the last 13 years in some form of educator role, including a teaching position in Korea through a Fulbright Grant. Made in Korea. Raised in South Dakota. Living in Portugal. Traveling the world. These poems also appeared in the April issue of The BeZine, Celebrating interNational Poetry MonthVisit her website.

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